tisdag 25 oktober 2011

National Novel Writing Month

For those of you who have never heard of this concept, here is a link:


I have to admit, I had never heard of it either until I joined the Chick Lit Writers RWA and was told about it. The concept is basically that you write a novel, or 50 000 words, in one month. And if you do that you are a WINNER!!

Since 50 000 words is about what I have left on my novel to finish it (give or take 10 000), its a very handy excuse to join. Because as you may have realised I´m a deadline-person, and what better deadline can I find?

The novel writing is arranged all over the world, and I found a group in Stockholm, which means that on Monday evening I will be joining a group of other (well...) 20-25 year olds and have a kick-off!

On the other hand they are all writing urban fantasy, so my deeply romantic chick-lit story will probably be frowned upon. BUT- I HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED:) So my self-confidence is not totally demolished.

For now I´m warming up - writing 100-500 words a night and trying to plan the story. That way I will just have to fill in the words come Nov 1st.

Joining me?

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