I told you about Mrs Murphy´s dresses the other week, and I was excited when I heard a few copies was on sale in the shop Daisy Dapper, who sells these dresses exclusively. Apparently the seamstress has not been able to get them ready on time, so the shop just have a few dresses so far, and not all sizes.
But even though the leopardprint one was my favourite, it was not the dress that left the store in a brown paper bag...instead it was the bluishgreen one with a sweatheart-neckline and a lovely buttondetail. I just can´t wear the brownish-yellow leopardpattern, because the colouring is all wrong! I do love it though, and will keep on buying leopardprint bags and accessories...can´t help myself!
Apart from some retailtherapy, my Easter has been contemplating the computerscreen and rewriting and editing. As my latest contribution to the literary world hit the shelves this week, I realise it´s time to get going again! I have a plan worked out, so just wait and lets see what happens:)
Happy Easter, whoever you are out there!