onsdag 4 januari 2012

New year and a new start!

I have been busy writing a blog on a Swedish site (part of a blog-competition) and since I don´t seem to find energy enough to write two blogs AND write a novel, this English version has been sadly neglected. Sorry for that! (to the four of you who actually keep following me:))

But! New year and new fresh ideas, so I´m re-launching this blog!!
No more photos of a fat middleaged woman in strange retro and vintageclothes (promises, promises) BUT a more serious writing-blog (promises again...) as I´m doing my damndest to get the novel finished before June 1st 2012. Not sure why I choose that date, but I definitely need a deadline!

I took 3 days off from work this week and wanted to write, but so far I have been sadly sabotaged in this effort by Teenager who keeps coming back from his Dad like a boomerang. This morning I actually told him he couldn´t come over to sleep after a night on the town (which translates as a night playing computergames with his nerdfriends, for some reason playing a whole night is very much more exciting than playing a full day!)....so I´m guiltridden for stopping him from entering his home. But I do know that if he doesn´t leave me alone at least one day, absolutely nothing will be written.

I´m such a lousy mum!!!