lördag 10 september 2011

Buying dresses online

It does have drawbacks waiting for a dress that you have bought on-line....WAITING!
I ordered two dresses from a reputable English site on Sept2, and have still not received them. So I wrote a mail asking for info...no answer. Okey, so this should worry me? Nope, because I´ve checked on Facebook and they are still in business, probably selling at the Goodwood Revival, and so I have to keep waiting....

But the instant gratification that you want from shopping isn´t there, of course. Having that instant buzz when you try something on and it´s just perfect, you pay for it, and walk out with the bag...and just for a few minutes life is just SPLENDID! Well...you don´t get that from shopping on-line.

On the other hand...shopping becomes more of an oyster-hunting trip:) Sometimes the oyesters are bad and have to thrown away, sometimes you end up with something really, really good!

While waiting for my dresses, I just might share some tips that I have picked up through my nerve-wrecking experiences on the Internet...

See you later!

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