söndag 13 november 2011

Writing is hard work

I´m fighting through National Novel Writing Month word by word... Right now it feels like there is an ocean between me and that 50 000 word mark - but I hope to get there nevertheless.

One thing I´m learning though, is that the more you write, the more you DO write.

Sounds funny, doesnt it?

But it´s simply this: When you sit down and start to write, you somehow cross an invisible border at some point and you keep going...
I´ve read that writing 100 words is a good way to stop yourself from procastinating on those days when you really want to just quit. Because if you do write 100 words, the chances are you will keep going.

Much like the advice I´ve also read on exercise - go for 20 mins, and chances are if you spent 20 mins exercising you will keep it up for another 20.

Well, I know the 100-words-advice works, as for the 20 mins on the exercisemachines I´m still hesitant...